Kroger Plus Card

Here is how to register your Kroger Plus Card so that Indiana Sheltie Rescue receives a donation when you shop there. 

Register your Kroger Plus Card for Indiana Sheltie Rescue Fundraising


PART ONE (if you already have an online account skip to part 2)

Access the Kroger Website:

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page you will find a CREATE ACCOUNT button.

You will need to provide;  Name, email address, password, and your Kroger Plus ID card #  (or Alt ID) then click to create your account. 


Once you are signed into your account on the upper right hand side of the website you will see your name with a drop-down arrow.  Select or hover over the drop down-arrow and a menu will appear.   On the Menu select “My Account”  when it takes you to the “My Account Page” on the left hand side you will see a “Community Rewards” option.   Select Community Rewards and then you will be able to add an organization to your account/Kroger Plus Card.   

This is where you will need to select  Indiana Sheltie Rescue Inc. 

Thank you for your support.